How dogs inspire gratitude.

It’s hard to believe 2023 is almost over. The end of a year incites reflection and a chance to process the occurrences in our lives for the past 12 months.


I personally had a great first few months of 2023, but come May, it just seemed like one uncontrollably bad thing after another kept throwing a monkey wrench into my life and ultimately my mental health. In times like these it is difficult to keep my head up and not dwell on the negative, which got me thinking, “When we feel down, what are ways to cope and lift our spirits?” 

More and more research is backing the idea that a state of gratefulness can do wonders for our mental health. We can access gratitude through gratitude practices.

In this blog post, we will discuss what gratitude is, the benefits of gratitude practice, how our dogs can inspire a state of gratefulness, and some general tips on practicing gratitude.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is an emotional state in which a person feels a sense of appreciation and thankfulness. We can feel gratitude in moments such as when someone does something nice for us. Gratitude can also be a long-term state through practicing gratefulness in our daily lives. To achieve a state of gratitude we must first recognize that life has good things to offer, identify where there is goodness in our lives, and how it came to us.


The Benefits Of Gratitude Practice

According to Dr. Millacci from the online publication of, we have come to learn through research that the practice of gratitude helps people focus on the positive parts of their lives, which can help strengthen social relationships and ultimately results in higher life satisfaction and general feelings of hope. Gratitude also seems to have a domino effect. If a person experiences gratitude they are more likely to appreciate help from others and then later reciprocate help to another person.

The relationship with dogs and observing dog behavior is a beautiful place to cultivate gratefulness practice. Here are some ways how:


1.     Dogs can inspire us to focus on the simple things.

 In our fast-paced modern world, we often forget to slow down and appreciate the simple things. Dogs on the other hand are excited by simple and random things such as toilet paper rolls and kibble, and a comfy sweater to snooze on. They seem to be content with what they have and are not chasing after the more luxurious or “better next thing”.

Our relationship with them and the activities we engage in such as walks, playing, and cuddling give us an opportunity to slow down and home in on the goodness life has to offer. Just by being with our furry friends we get an opportunity to practice gratitude by focusing on the simple things in life.


2.     Dogs provide us with a mutually loving relationship.

Dogs show up for us on a daily basis, and we have the opportunity to show up for them. Showing up for each other is part of appreciating each other and demonstrating gratitude. Dogs also show us gratitude by accepting us for who we are without judgment. We love and care for them in a similar way. This bond with our furry companions inspires gratefulness in needing them as much as they need us.

3.     Dogs inspire patience. 

Emerging research from the psychology department of Northeastern University is finding a link between gratitude and patience. When people feel grateful, they are more likely to make decisions that are forward thinking, which takes patience. Dogs can demonstrate patience when waiting for their food or walks and in turn we also must practice patience when caring for our furry friends. We learn patience through observing them as well as interacting with them, which also inspires gratefulness.


Now we understand the value of gratefulness, let’s get some concrete ways to practice gratitude:

1.     Show gratitude to people (and pets) around you. You can do this verbally, through a letter, and through actions.

2.     Keeping a gratitude journal where you can practice writing and reflecting on people, pets, things, or events you felt thankful for.

3.     Meditation and mindfulness practices can help foster gratitude and an appreciation of the self. Here is my favorite mindfulness meditation practice that has helped me cultivate gratitude:


"May I be loved.

May I be happy.

May I be strong.

May I use my gifts to make the world better.

May I be free from suffering."


"May you be loved.

May you be happy.

May you be strong.

May you use your gifts to make the world better.

May you be free from suffering."


"May we be loved.

May we be happy.

May we be strong.

May we use our gifts to make the world better.

May we be free from suffering."


Speaking of gratitude, did you know that we recently launched our newest print, Paws for Presents, which is inspired by feelings of gratitude?


I created this pattern by doodling, which I often do to unwind and relax. Its festive ornaments, joyful bows and playful ribbon curls remind you to pause and tap into gratefulness as you wrap up the year and look forward to the next. I can’t think of a better way to practice gratitude than to curl up under a cozy blanket while matching with your pup’s accessories!

“Small white dog sitting in front of a Christmas tree wearing red holiday dog bow and red holiday collar.”

Our ambassador Abbie is wearing our Paws for Presents Bow Tie with matching Collar in size small.

I hope this blog post was helpful in providing information on practicing gratitude in your everyday life, and how dogs can help. I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season!

Angela Tuckerman

Angela is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of California. She is the CEO of Cloud Doodles. She currently resides in Italy with her poodle mix, husband, and toddler.


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