Our Story

Hi, I’m Angela. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker by trade. Currently, I am a stay at home mom, I am an artist, and a dog mom

Ever since I can remember doodling was a vital outlet for my worries, thoughts, joys—really anything that I experienced internally was processed through pencil, crayon, paint, you name it! 

Simultaneously, furry friends have always been a great source of companionship and support throughout my life. I got my first dog Princess when I was 10 years old. Princess was always there for me. When I was sad she laid on her back, head next to mine while I would rub her belly. When I wanted to go on adventures, we would go for long exploratory walks. Princess watched me go through puberty, first heartbreak, sent me off to college, welcomed me home from college and so much more. She was my family for 14 ½ years.

A few weeks before Princess passed, a little fluffy cloud dropped into my lap. I was working for a homeless services agency in Santa Monica, California and a co-worker brought 5 puppies to work every day. I wasn’t interested in small dogs originally, but when I saw this little piglet of a pup I fell in love. I brought her home for a weekend when she was 6 weeks old. Princess gave us her blessing. I was set to pick up Duchess when she was 9 weeks old when after vacation. Sadly, Princess passed the weekend before I left. I named Duchess as an hommage to my first furry friend who improved my life in so many ways. 

Duchess is my best friend. From the time she was a small pup she came to work with me. The joy she brought my clients was invaluable for them. She had no judgments, only love and kisses to give. She showed people love who had been so rejected by society. Their faces would light up whenever she was around.

Duchess is my muse and my inspiration for Cloud Doodles. 

During the Pandemic lockdown, I was caring for a young baby. Saying it was hard is an understatement. I started @the.dutchduchess during nursing sessions, while my baby girl napped on me. It also helped me bond with Duchess since a lot of my attention went to my child. Duchess brought me so much happiness and support during this trying time and I wanted others to also experience the joy she brings me.

As I scrolled through instagram I noticed that a lot of the accessories did not really speak to mine or Duchess’ style. So I began doodling as I always have. These doodles have turned into chic patterns for harness, leashes, apparel, treat bags and much more to come.

My goal through Cloud Doodles is to create an informative space for how dogs and doodles are good for your mental health. I want to give back to organizations that are helping people connect with dogs. I want this space to inspire creativity and to help people come together through the shared experience of dogs and doodles being so impactful on positive mental health. I want this to be a space for people to be able to purchase items that help them bond with their dogs and feel stylish in the process. :)